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Rappahannock River
Yacht Club


Jamestown Settlement's ship Godspeed at the 2023 Hospice Turkey Shoot Regatta.

2024 Hospice Turkey Shoot Regatta

The annual community fundraising sailing regatta organised in equal partnership by Yankee Point Yacht Club and the Rappahannock River Yacht Club

Oct 4-6, 2024

Register NOW For The 2024 Hospice Turkey Shoot Regatta
Please use the above link to register and pay your Regatta entry fee via ""
"" is the only source of official race documents and merchandise

Regatta Information and Schedule of Events

Berthing & Water Taxi

Hospice is a philosophy of care and caring dedicated to meeting the needs of people who have life-limiting or terminal illnesses. If you would like to make a difference in the lives touched by the Hospice please click on the link below.  Merchandise purchases and Donations are collected via Yachtscoring and will be passed to the Hospice along with other Regatta income.

I would like to donate to Hospice Support Services  

Welcome to the 2024 Hospice Turkey Shoot Regatta

RRYC Commodore Ian Ormesher and YPYC Commodore Win Schwab welcome you to the 29th Annual Hospice Turkey Shoot Regatta and invite you to participate in this important fund-raising event, scheduled October 4-6, 2024. Co-hosted for many years by our local sailing clubs, this Regatta is a major event in the Southern Bay, usually attracting 100 boats, and once 142 entries!

We have a very talented Regatta team comprised of members from our two Clubs along with members from Regent Point YC, both of the Hospice groups we support (Hospice Support Services of the Northern Neck - non-medical products and services and Riverside Hospice Agencies medical products and services), and many volunteers from the greater River community who donate time, funding or services each year.

The two co-Chairmen of this team are Tom Chapman of RRYC, for water-based activities and John Tidwell of YPYC, for land-based activities and they have been hard at work planning this event.

We welcome you to come and enjoy this important Regatta and fund raising event.

Upcoming Events
Upcoming Events

                                                                                   All Upcoming Events For The Year Ahead

RRYC was founded in 1936 in Irvington, Virginia, to serve the interests of local pleasure boat owners. Together the first members acquired the present property on Carter’s Creek off the Rappahannock River, just down King Carter Drive from the Tide’s Inn.

Today RRYC is a vibrant and active Club enjoying a resurgence in membership and activities, both on and off the water. Many new fleets and interests of the members have brought our Club into the twenty-first century with burgee flying high.


37° 39.396′ N / 076° 26.116′ W


100 Rappahannock Road 

Irvington, VA 22480


Mailing Address

PO Box 55 

Irvington, VA 22480


Phone  (804) 438-6650
